tote mixer

The Specialized, Important World of Sanitary Mixing Equipment

Whether on the nation's large-scale food production lines or in the delicate field of bio-pharmaceutical work, the sanitary mixer is a fixture of many industrial and manufacturing settings. Specially designed cousins of the more generalist sort, mixers of this kind boast a number of unique features. Taken together, these allow such mixers to perform the crucial work of mixing substances together without admitting any contamination from without.

One of the most important traits of such mixers is that they are invariably designed for easy cleaning and sterilization. Most mixers of any kind are designed to be cleaned fairly easily, because this is frequently a requirement for any kind of work. Mixers that focus on delivering truly sanitary output take things a step or two further, however.

That can mean, for example, making use of specialized mixing implements that allow for easier cleaning. In some cases, mixing tools can harbor crevices and cracks that can sop up and hold substances even after determined cleaning. In the world of sanitary mixing, this is never acceptable, so designs that do not have these flaws must be used, instead.

This focus on sanitation also frequently implies a mixing design that is easy to sterilize using specialized equipment. For many applications, for example, stainless steel vessels that can be run through industrial autoclaves are the standard, because these high-pressure ovens can be among the best ways of all of sterilizing a tank quickly.

That is not to say, though, that stainless steel tanks are the only option. In fact, low-cost, versatile poly mixing tanks have become increasingly popular in some of these applications, even if few people associate that material, in general, with ease of sterilization. What tanks of this kind give up in terms of their ability to withstand an autoclave or the like, though, they frequently make up for in a number of other ways.

What is the norm today, then, is that companies engaged in activities where sanitation is a high priority have a number of options of this sort. While the stainless steel tanks of the traditional designs certainly have their place, there are also plenty of alternatives that boast strengths of their own.